
How to Write Effective Email Subject Lines That Drive Open Rates

, How to Write Effective Email Subject Lines That Drive Open RatesIn our survey of 500 top-tier publishers, we discovered that the subject line is the gatekeeper to your open rates. In an effort to increase the effectiveness of your pitches, BuzzStream and Fractl partnered up to discover what publishers want from your subject line. With this information you will be able to create subject lines that stand out and help your email pitch.

In this whitepaper, we share the best practices our content marketing agency follows to create success for our clients with email outreach:

  • The most effective length for the subject line of an email pitch
  • How to manage the way your subject line is perceived
  • Methods to increase open and click-through rates
  • What you should have in your subject line
  • How to build a mutually beneficial relationship through genuine interactions
  • Email pitch subject line best practices

This whitepaper will give you deep insights and practical tips to bring your email pitches up to date with modern-day preferences and behavior of publishers.

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